About Robin

Photo on 8-10-16 at 5.01 PMA few years ago, I began a monthly newsletter for my church ministry with a short column reflecting on children’s spirituality, their role in the church, and practical steps for engaging with their faith formation. After transitioning to writing curriculum at Worship With Children, I began collecting my thoughts here.

I began volunteering with the church nursery at age 8, when my sister was in the 2 year old class. At 14 I led my own VBS “crew” at our church, and by 16, I was writing weekly lessons for a Bible study I led for my sister and her classmates before school. Since then, I’ve enjoyed leading and learning with children in churches, midweek ministries, art camps, urban mentoring programs, wilderness camps, and schools. While studying at Wheaton College, I realized that my hobby might actually be a vocation, and studied Christian Education (BA) and Christian Formation and Ministry (MA).

I currently live with my husband, Sam, in Ambridge, PA and serve as the Director of Children’s Ministries at St. Stephen’s Church nearby in Sewickley. He’s pursuing his M.Div at Trinity School for Ministry while I finish up my  D.Min. in Spiritual Formation and Leadership at Portland Seminary. My dissertation focuses on equipping whole congregations for mutual transformation through nurturing the spiritual formation of  children. When I’m not geeking out about children’s faith formation (which I still can’t believe isn’t the most fascinating subject to everyone!), I’m probably conducting baking experiments, adventuring in PA with Sam, or enjoying time outside. 

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